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Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Contests and More!

Hey Guys

Long time, no see. Sorry bout that.

Anywho, let's get right into the news for this week.

First off, the winter blog winners have been announced! Congrats to:

[Click their names to visit their blogs.]

You all win:
-14 days citizenship
-5000 bugs
-Feather item

Congrats, your blogs are awesome!

Next up, we have the winter art contest. Here are the winners:






Congrats, you all win:
-a paintbrush (le/basia suit if you own a paintbrush)
-7000 bugs
-7 days of citizenship

Next, we have the comic contest with a Christmas theme.

Send in your Christmas Comics here, in the comments. Please send them in by the 23rd of December.

You can use the template below, or create your own!

Winners get some cool prizes.

(Almost done!) 

Next off, there will be a party for boys and girls on December 21st, at 21:00 ChoTime. The party will be based on the "end of the world".

Meet up at the Dude's Chillzone with Yaniv for some cool magic and some possible rain.

Meet up at the Girl's Hangout with Koiz for some pretty magic and some possible rain.

It's gonna be a blast, so remember to be there! 

Later on, we will all meet at the Party Area for the end (no pun intendid.)

Up next, I am proud to tell you... we have a new moderator!

His name is Blik, famously known as Blik3 previously. 

Be sure to tell him "congrats" when you see him online!

Lastly, the agents are holding a contest on!

Santa didn't have time to decorate his Christmas tree, so we want you guys to do it for us!

Use the template above to decorate on. Winners will be announced Christmas Day, but try to get your pictures posted by December 23rd.

Phew, long post! Thanks for reading guys.

That's all for now,


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