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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Joy to the Updates!

Hey Guys

Lots of updates, let's get right into them!

All the outside maps have been re-decorated for Winter! Take a look!

Before you saw the maps, you saw the starting screens! Check em out:

Chobots is sure decked out in blue and white! Looks great.

Next up, the new Journalists have been announced.

 Congratulations to:

Quote from

Congratulations to those 9 Journalists, keep it up.

If you didn't become a Journalist this time around - Don't give up. There's always another chance. Remember, don't copy the official blog's work, make your blog stand out, and update it regularly!

Next up, we have news on the 12/12/12 party that occurred yesterday. Let's review it with the video I made!

Did you make the party? It sure was fun!

Lastly, congratulations to the newest member of the agents team: Yolande.

Everyone give her a big welcome when you see her! :)

That's all for now,


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